Purpose, Passion, Technology.
Three necessary elements to anyone, as a programmer, engineer or amateur, it doesn't really matter you have such a world of possibilities next to you: With a solid .NET Core back-end or NodeJS, an amazing and fully functional Angular front-end and a good database engine you will make stunning products. The purpose of this tech web is to expose the many possibilities we all devs have and make things happen, iterating and evolving in order to be more valued developers.
Visiting a specialized blog ¡huh! not everyone does that, so you now can consider yourself an out-of-series person, I congratulate you for that and welcome you, genius, to this web! Here in Brave Developer there are many things happening all the time, keep an eye here and share the content you find interesting, that will help others and you as well. How spoiled! Let me introduce myself, I'm Gerson but you can call me Gerry or the brave developer 💪😉 here you'll find tech & software development related info, wich are topics I like so much and I work with.
Actually, this tech blog has a really simple but powerful philosophy: it's colaborative, iterative and tremendously practical, so that you can apply your adquired knowledge in a easy, fast and responsible way in your projects. Practice makes a master so trust the process, make your own learning path and follow it without fainting.
Get up, read this tech entries and practice them, be brave, be a brave developer.
So, go ahead buddy, keep pushing forward!

Learn how to solve it and gain confidence and experience

If you want to join this wonderful field, you'll find this post usefull!
Involve me and I learn".